Wow amazing. You are all willing to give in to this.What other freedoms do you want to give into. I personally don't want to give in. These terrorists have made it so people are willing to give government permission to take away our freedom in exchange for security... A security that they can't provide anyway... Wake up people..
Seems we have gotten soft.

John Derstine wrote:

Probably what will happen is that R/C soaring and other high altitude
sport/hobbies that use airspace (as in model rockets), will require
special dates, venues, and windows of opportunity provided by special
FAA waiver. Large model rocketry already is regulated by this process.
It is only a matter of time before ALL aerosports requiring higher than
"normal" altitudes are monitored and regulated by FAA waiver, if, that
is, they exceed the limit set by the AMA FAA for unregulated club
flying. So 700-1000 feet would actually be a godsend if and when the
hammer falls. I foresee a time when virtually all organized R/C flying
(other than the Parkflyer unregulated low power stuff) will take place
on controlled sites governed by the AMA and its club infrastructure.
Perhaps the idea of regional flying sites similar to Muncie, but put in
locations where most of us actually live might bear some consideration.
How we preserve our sport will require some insightful proactive
thinking, and willingness to compromise. The notion that everything can
stay the same as it was in the past is probably at best naïve.

Endless Mountain Models

-----Original Message-----
From: Allan/Tara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:54 PM
Subject: [RCSE] AMA's position with regard to soaring

   In the current issue of "Model Aviation" which I received today I
the "Presidents Perspective" page quite interesting. It makes it quite
evident that there is a complete lack knowledge as to what we in the
community are all about.
   In his remarks he (Dave Brown) states that his recommendation to
is that a minimum altitude restriction be set at 700' and preferably
Probably just fine for the "slime" machines but a death blow to
These restrictions while unenforceable, would in essence make the even
average weekend flier a lawbreaker,not to mention the whole liability
   Anybody out there have any idea as to who to contact to get this
turned around,somebody who will make the AMA listen !
Allan Parsons

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