What ever the LSF folks decide is 100% with me.

Dr Dan,  A Sky Bench Challenger piloted by Tom Scully was fourth at the

He also won the Mid South RES this year with his Challenger.  Tom has a cool
way of flap disengagement for RES events.

I'll be waiting for you to show up with yours.  Practice ... Practice ....

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Danny C Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <soaring@airage.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] National Fun Fly - NOT

> Jim Monaco
> Said almost everything that I wanted to, just that he said it much nicer
> that I would have.
> First off the highly paid staff of the LSF really earns every cent they
> get for putting on the NATS ( do you guys even make Cent's???) and every
> thank you ve can say to them.
> Every year I have been to the NATS I have always been taken back at how
> well the NATS is run, so when I hear some self serving person putting
> down this event just to be able to elevate them self (in there own mind
> that is) or some product they are trying to sell it really gets me to
> start to not have nice thoughts about them.
> As to the NATS Fun Fly driving all that way for a fun fly well COUNT ME
> OUT I would not waste my time.  I would just stay home and fly with my
> friends and have more fun and allot less travel.
> Now the wood crafter's is another story...It is a contest...  Also the
> chance to pick on Ray Hay's well that is priceless in my book  :^)
> Also, at least once a year around this time there is always talk of
> killing this event or adding this one, or moving this to that time slot.
> I myself admit that there would be no tears from me if two meter went the
> way of the standard class, in fact just to be a real stinker I would like
> to see standard class come back and 2M go away...lol.  What can I say
> living and flying at 5000 + feet does that to you.
> What keeps me coming back to any contest is.
> "Competition is the glue that binds us together, and it is a life time
> glue.  For some strange reason it just works this way,"
> A little POed
> Dr. Dan Williams
> Even if I still can not get a full breath yet...lol
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~
> From: Jim Monaco
> I'm missing something here.  The NATS is the national championship
> because we
> say it is.  Why do we want to thow the baby out with the bathwater.  If
> you
> want a national funfly - then organize one.  There are 51 other weeks you
> can
> do whatever you want at the national flying site.
> A lot of people work VERY hard to put on an event the size of the nats
> and
> apparently a lot of people LIKE to attend the event.  Your statements
> about
> declining participation are not true.  Based on the statistics for the
> last 2
> nats, participation is up in all of the events except HL.  Your statement
> about
> 20-40 pilots flying any given day is ludicrous.  There are 160 registered
> entrants and 125 pilots participated in Unlimited! While some people
> (including
> me) have opinions on how the event should be organized and what should be
> included, ultimately the LSF makes those decisons with our input.
> If YOU want a national funfly - then YOU organize one and see if they
> come!  I
> don't see the need to trash a perfectly good event that, in terms of
> numbers of
> soaring pilots, is in the top 3 of all soaring events in the country.
> I understand that YOU don't like soaring competitions, but it is not
> necessary
> to criticize those that do.  You refer to "diehard" competition pilots as
> if
> it's a bad thing.  I understand your agenda is to promote scale soaring
> and I
> wish you great success, but it does not have to come at the expense of
> other
> facets of the hobby.  You appear to think that those that like "Launch
> and
> Land" competitions are odd, but I'm sure that there are some that think
> that
> worrying about how my cute little pilot figure looks in my scale glider
> is a
> little odd too!
> Let people participate in whatever events they enjoy - it's no skin off
> your
> nose.  If you provide the alternatives, perhaps you are right and
> competition
> soaring as we know it will die the ugly death you predict.  Just don't
> expect
> others to implement your vision of true happiness.
> Jim Monaco
> Organizer of the US F3J Team Selections...
> Just another launch and land contest!!!
> --- John Derstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then as I said originally, why pretend it is a national championship?
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