    I am a practicing lawyer of the general practice persuasion, and when not making trouble on RCSE I do a significant amount of estate planning for "regular folks."
    Some basic advice: 
      have a will
      don't get sucked in by a "trust mill"--most people don't need a trust, and most people that have one manage to screw them up before dying.
      you should have a living will and health care power of attorney
       lots of stuff passes by contract or survivorship, meaning your will has little or nothing to say about where this stuff goes.   Make sure you know how your "non-probate" stuff is set up, since it is probably most of what you are worth.  Examples:   life insurance, joint bank accounts, retirement, payable-on death provisions in bank accounts, joint ownership if brokerage accounts, joint and survivorship deeds for real estate.
    Wills and stuff are controlled by STATE law, so check with your local counsel.   There are some oddball state provisions.   In Ohio, for example, a surviving spouse can take two cars and a boat and an outboard motor without going through probate court. 
    At least one of the older members of my RC soaring club has a provision in his will that calls on the club to auction off his RC stuff amongst ourselves and put the money into the club treasury.    We have already done this for one other member since I have been flying, and I can tell you we treasure those items.
    Finally, there was a good article about wills, estates and "our stuff" in the AMA magazine in the last couple of years.   Check it out.
    Oh yeah:   try not to die.
Tom H. Nagel
Columbus, OH

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