I'm sorry but I can't help but share this with you guys after seeing that
pic...It brought back some great memories!

Flashback...2004 NATS 
I'm taking a break from the Trolls (one can handle just so much within a
given period of time) and wanted to catch some pics of the UNL launches,
kinda' up-close & personal. DP (pilot) and Mike Smith (timer) are in the
launch group going up. I ask DP if he minds if I kinda' "hang" with them
during the flight, maybe learn a little something (maybe via osmosis? Yeah

The launch goes off, DP gets to where DP wants to be, which is generally far
higher and further away than anyone else is comfortable with, and they
wander over to the landing fence. I'm listening, they're not saying too
much...over here, over there, etc. They both look satisfied and then they
both proceed to park their butts on the ground & stretch out (just like the
photo). I'm listening really hard, making sure I don't miss anything, I mean
really hoping to pick-up some "pearls of wisdom". Wrong! They are talking
about this, that, & the other thing...Anything BUT soaring and the Insanity.
DP is kinda' nudging it every once in awhile and THAT is IT! No exchange of
this air, that air, or no air.

I looked down at them and said "DP, do ya' mind if I say something?" DP
glances up & says "Sure, go ahead". I said "Frankly DP...Watching you fly is
friggin' boring!". He and Mike both cracked up and DP looked up at me, with
a big smile, and said "Yeah, I know, I just don't like to work too hard".

That, to me, will always be one of my favorite memories of attending a NATS.
Lemme tell ya' something, with all the posts going on about competition vs
fun vs more representative, more RES, less 2M, etc...We're really
undervaluing one of the truly great things about the NATS, and that is that
we have some of the finest people in attendance, regardless of what they
fly, or how well they fly it, that I have ever had the pleasure to meet and
get to know. THAT my friends, is something that I hope will NEVER change...

Head Turnaround Troll

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 11:23 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: RE: [RCSE] RES not for the "elite"

Take a look at this picture.  Shows the 2nd place pilot in unlimited flying
his 6-servo plane during the heat and intensity of the Unlimited contest at
the NATS this month.


Looks pretty intense to me.

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