Wish I could have been there, had planned on it but things just did
not work out this time. Did any of the GDSHS guys make it up?

On 8/15/05, Dennis Hoyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The LIFT contest in Traverse City this weekend was really fun. The weather 
> was great especially
> Sunday. A sincere thanks to Jim Johnson, Larry Storie and the rest of the 
> LIFT crew. Needless to
> say there was a lot of competition in 2M and Unlimited, which left a hole 
> open for me to get my
> first, first place trophy in RES. :-) Thanks Marc for selling me that AVA.
> We also witnessed a battle between a Bald Eagle and a Hawk. Didn't know they 
> would do barrel rolls.
> The eagle left the area to the east and came over closer to us. Later we 
> noticed the Eagle had a
> couple of wing feathers missing. The hawk held his territory and continued to 
> thermal in a nice
> lazy circle. Jim Johnson caught some lift with the eagle and they both skied 
> out.
> Memorable...
> Dennis Hoyle
> AMA 11952
> Sec / Treasurer / Web Geek
>                            ____|____
>  '-----------------------------|_|-----------------------------'

Jack Iafret
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