For those who fly or did fly the Zenith:
There appears to be a "bulkhead" in my fuselage approximately 17" aft of the rear wing hold down hole.  I would like the RX antenna to run down the inside of the fuselage but the bulkhead blocks the run.  How did you get the antenna down the fuse?  Drill a hole in the bulkhead? How? Or?
Second question: If you Zenith has the 4 MM CF push rods, how or what did you do to keep the push rod from rubbing on the DB9 connector and wires coming from under the connector?  Its not much, BUT it does rub.  Would prefer it not to.  Was not a "cool" place to put the connector.  The other side has the "tube" for the ballast and the connector sure can't go there.  Your solution, IF you had this problem?  TIA
Fayetteville, GA

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