Title: RE: [RCSE] F3J Also Ran

Guy, we don't consider you an "also ran" because you're not!  You participated and that's the key to this hobby!  With the knowledge you gained at the selection, you will be a better pilot.  Not only that, you will make those around you better pilots because you can now impart the knowledge you gained to the rest of us.

There is a cute saying that goes something like this; "Learn from others mistakes, because you won't be around long enough to make them all on your own."  Reading posts from anyone who participated is always educational. 

I remember a number of years ago, Joe Wurts came to the "Last Fling" contest in Tulsa.  We were sport flying on Friday.  Joe was hand launching a Falcon 880.  He made a dozen or so throws before he started climbing out on a puff of a thermal.  While others were launching and landing on Tulsoar's STRONG winches, Joe dotted out on a hand toss.  Mind you, other flyers had a 600-700' advantage, and were landing right and left because they either didn't or couldn't work the available lift.

I watched the way Joes hands worked the sticks; I watched the way the plane reacted to the stick movement.  He was constantly making minor adjustments on the sticks and the plane, while low, was flying a little faster than normal.  But what I noticed most, and what stuck with me, was the way the plane was being flown.  It was like watching a ballet.  The plane didn't, according to the 5 rules of "Dodge Ball" dodge, dip, duck, dive or dodge.  It looked like a ballerina, always smooth, fluid and graceful.  That's something my flying wasn't.  So now when I fly, I try to emulate Joes flying style.  If I hadn't seen it, my flying wouldn't have improved.

Another case in point; While flying at the TNT last year, D.O. Darnell from Tulsoar and I hooked up as partners flying and timing for each other.  I watched has he launched his AVA.  It was COMPLETELY different than anyone else's launch style.  My first launch with my AVA was seemingly OK, but it wasn't nearly as high as D.O.'s launch.  From then on, D.O. launched my AVA for me and he and I finished 1st and 3rd in the contest against some 50 competitors!  Again, if I hadn't been there to see how he did it, I wouldn't be able to launch as high as I do with my AVA.

I say, "BRAVO" to all of the entries.  You are all winners in my book.


From: GuyR
Subject: [RCSE] F3J Also Ran

Had a great experience of flying with US best...

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