So, I have been wanting to post this for a while yet the correct words have
yet to come to me.  Bear with me for lapses of memory or lack of

We were driving home after the week of soaring, Lily is conked out in the
backseat, Sara is co-pilot/navigator/keep Dad awake girl.  Sara was still
comprehending the meaning of receiving the "Spirit of Soaring" award.  I am
fortunate to be close to the history of the award and was there when Gil
Gauger handed out the first one in memory of Mike Jenkins.  Mike attended
our New Year's Day contest for many years, oxygen bottles in tow. I tried to
explain to Sara about dedication and attitude, two traits I see that the
award represents.  Now,I know Sara has been going to the Nats with me for
ten years, even prodding me to hurry up and get the forms in each year for
several years.  What I don't think she understood is how that dedication to
the LSF/AMA Nats is perceived as an admirable quality....

Anyway, during Nats week I had the pleasure of hearing positive comments
about Sara from several of you that were there.  Let me tell you, a parent
is really grateful when his child has grown up and is on the right track.
Hearing that from others is icing on the cake. I appreciate everyone of
those comments....

So... Let me tell you now what I could not at the LSF banquet due to a
sleepy eight year old (Lily) on my lap. Sara was really surprised by the
honor of receiving the "Spirit of Soaring" award. I find that honor touching
as well personally because of who it was given to, as well as for whom and
for what it represents....

For the record, although a thank you speech was not given during the banquet
please do not take that as unappreciative, in any way, of the gratitude
shown by the giving of this award.

Brent Hoover

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