Most of you know Paul Perret, he was recently see at the MidSouth Soaring Champs in Atlanta, but is a past electric soaring Nats Champ and creator of the LASOAR TD ship years back.
His place is under water, he managed to get away with a couple of suitcases and family and is hunkered down with his son in Ft Worth area.
In the least he could use a plane to fly weekends out your way, and lets keep our wallets ready in case he needs more than that to get his families lives back going.
Here's Paul's email address, but don't be sending condolences, the last thing he needs right now is a mail box of well wishes.  Let's keep it to the rule of when everything is posted and done, that you have done more than emailed...:-) You can bet he gets the part that we all feel bad for him, and wish him a better future.......instead get his butt out for some soaring...and send money if you got it. He's a proud man who's been an excellent provider for his family, so likely not all that interested in 'help', but that's his problem not ours! :-)

So if someone out there has a TD ship to spare and some time to take him flying, contact him and let him know.
I'm in Atlantic City NJ and you're not.

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