Not a bad thing I am sure to the few detractors I have accumulated here. But I would like to thank Mike Lachowski for his contribution along with MAN for getting this first of its kind forum started years ago when no others existed. I have been along for the ride for 7-8 years best I can recollect. Lots of good discussion and lots of garbage. Nothing more and nothing less than any email list I have experienced.


I remember the guy who challenged Joe Wurts to a MOM contest, can’t remember the name, but he was a classic spammer, and no one got it. He had a way of generating lots of reactionary posts which on occasion clogged the server. I also remember with sadness Martin Simons being driven off by uninformed critics who had no idea of the worth and wealth of information he had to offer. I also recall the many informative technical posts and discussions over the years from the likes of Don Stackhouse, Martin S., Mark Drela, Simon V., Bob Dodgson, and my hero Harley Michaelis.


There are now too many other option for my particular niche and soaring in general available on the web as full featured forums with photo capability etc. Everyone on this list is also on the others for the most part, so it is redundant to be a member here. I get so many emails as it is, I can’t justify receiving the plethora of mostly personal notes and back and forth banter now prevalent here. I can check it out on RC groups if needed.


Thanks and see you at the flying field, scale flying that is.





Endless Mountain Models



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