My "gut" reaction to the well written suggestion is that the proposed changes would result in the splintering of the organization and the resultant arguments for "turf" and the dividing of the budget would result in it's demise.

I believe that there is much greater strength as one association for all model aircraft disciplines than there would be in multiple associations for individual disciplines. I definitely fear that the suggested changes would cause such a breakup.

I support the concept that the AMA is not working as well as it might currently, but I am not sure that the geographical regions concept is at the root of any problems. Most successful large national companies have a "Regional" structure within them.

I think there needs to be more geographical "responsibility and involvement" for the individual disciplines. Reporting to the Regional VP should be small Committees (3-4 people?) for the various disciplines of the model aircraft hobby active in that region. The committees would coordinate activities and support the AMA members in their region involved in the individual disciplines. In todays "wired" world, communication between regions should be relatively effective. Members of the Regional committees could report to a National level Committee for their discipline. National decisions could be reached through coordination of the national committees.

I would like to see an AMA Flying Field Acquisition Program started that would take a set amount of money from each annual dues ($5?) plus donations and use that money to acquire land in each region. That land could be leased to local AMA club(s) for $500 per year to cover AMA administration costs associated with the land management. Over a few decades all regions should have one or two flying fields that shouldn't be closed on them. I suspect we all wish that such a program had been started 20 years ago.

Perhaps each AMA region should form an AMA Review Committee to review regional input on organization changes and pass that up to AMA HQ for membership vote. I do suspect that regional inputs will differ based on local regional perceived problems... that will need to be resolved at the national level and through voting.

As to the future of the "Nats" - I think it would be brighter if it toured the Nation, perhaps using a future "network" of AMA flying fields. But that is an old issue that was resolved by "centralized" AMA thinking. I can't seem to locate a membership number in the AMA mag (I think it should be right up front with the list of officers, but I may have missed it.) but I suspect that the number of entrants in the Nats is a very small percentage of the membership and that a "hard core" number of entrants come from the AMA "center of the universe" area... year after year. If it were to move about the country I think more total members would attend and/or participate.

My 2ยข

Bob Goldsmith

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