A few videos in there as well -- Gordy DS'ing his Easy Glider and Paul Siegel tearing up the backside with his Trinity DS. And, of course, there were some WindRider Bats.

Man, this slope never fails to impress... the wind forecast was only for 10 MPH, but the bowl-shaped "Trumbo Bottom" carved out by the Kentucky River focuses and amplifies the winds. Ed Wilson remarked that this was "some of the best lift [he'd] ever seen on this slope". The real capper to the day was that we were just past the peak of the "fall color" season, so the valley was on fire with reds, yellows and oranges. Our newest soaring protege', 9-year-old Lee had his first slope flights on Saturday as well. Seeing him handling the Easy Glider on the frontside with ease, I handed him the controls to my CombatWings XR... and he did very well! By the end of a half-hour session he was already doing loops and rolls! Be on the watch for this kid in the very near future...

I know you all hear those of us with WindRider Bats talk about them all the time -- but there is good reason for that. I tree'd my Bat three (3) different times, slammed it into the hill a terminal speeds a half-dozen times and even knocked off my vertical stab and it just kept flying. Amazing. As long as you have metal-gear servos you'll be set!

If you live within a few hours of us, keep an eye out on the wind forecast for Frankfort and come join us on a south or south-west weekend.

ben wilson

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