
You might want to check and see if there are any AMA sponsored school programs in the area. My old club in Maryland has a program where they teach "latch key" kids how to build and fly models of all kinds. I recently donated a bunch of stuff to them before we relocated back to Kansas.

Just a thought,


At 09:57 AM 11/8/2005, you wrote:
I thought Id ask a simple question here to see if anyone has a non-obvious
Having been in R/C for thirty years, I have quite a collection of
"inactive" or "need-fixin" models which I dont want to spend the time
fixing and or finishing.  So, I am looking to get rid of them.
Of course its obvious that one can sell desirable models but there are
unused, unfixed, or unfinished stuff that collects in the closet or garage
until it gets to the point that.... well, theres no more room!  Im sure
many of us have the same problem?  For example, I have a 40 sized, scratch
built power ship that I flew back in the late 80s thats in-tact, but
uncovered and needs attention.  I paid over $300 for the bare ship so just
dont want to just throw it away.  I've also got several small gliders,
some other gas models, some old scale kits, slope stuff, etc, etc.  I'm
not looking to sell this stuff cause it's really old, but I dont want to
trash it either.  Anyone have any good ideas about how this stuff can find
a good home?
Thanks in advance.

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