What you need is a vacation to somewhere warm!!  Maybe Gordy will take you along next time he goes to Aruba, or somewhere else a little more temperature/climate friendly.  He’s always saying “Wish you were here”.  We’ll see if He’s serious and really means it.  He should be able to take at least a couple of fellas along on each of his trips.  OK Gordy, put up or shut up!!  If you can’t take some buddies along we don’t want no more “Wish you were here” BS.  It’s down right mean!


Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 6:30 PM
To: Soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] G3 simulations parameters


I have slope soaring on G3 simulator.


Has anyone gotten it thermal? I played with the spawn and got high power launch which shreds the wings every other time. awesome.


However I cant figure out the right combinations to get thermal conditions. Any ideas out there? We all dont live in Calif and need something for the winter months.


Bill Snow


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