I built #28 most carefully for another party, but he did not like some things. It was returned with his gear installed to keep, which was a generous gesture on his part.

I have mixed feelings about it being returned but confess envying someone else having the only brand new big Genie with the latest innovations, including the wonderfully engineered composite fuselage.

One dislike was that the spring steel blades used for tip support allowed a little flex, common to all in the Genie line of airframes. Seeing how full scale carbon wings bend on launch and in tight turns, etc., flex is evidently an acceptable thing in that arena. I personally like how a ship with flexed tips leaps off at tow release to enter the zoom.

Since flying in F3J was intended, I'd put in heavier than usual 1/16" blades for tip support. I've replaced them with lighter .050" ones for traditional thermal contests and got an excellent custom retrofit.

Before it was shipped, I noticed the flaps did not return to well-defined neutrals and on its return, one of the installed flap servos had gone dead. The JR 351's I've now put in fixed those problems.

In shipping or something, the main pivot rod, which is not supposed to rotate, got broken loose. That was an easy fix.

Judging by the hand glides, it will be an extremely fine performing ship and with these little things now taken care of, I'm keeping it for 2006 flying.

I have too many ships and have others built for traditional thermal competition or sport flying that I'm now willing to part with.

I have classic big Genie #27 with glassed-over fuselage. See the opening big Genie picture at http://genie.rchomepage.com/. #27 looks like that but has a red fuse and fin, red wing bottom and black LE trim. JR 341's and Volz MMXP's (2) are in it. $895 without servos. Add $250 for servos. Shipping extra.

Next, see pic of the first GENIE PRO on page 1 of File 7. I have those stabs, wing and a like new, glassed-over red Genie fuse (#26) they will fit. New 94141's for R & E. No servos in wing. Wells and mounts will accept servos size of JR micros, Volz MMX, Hitec 85, etc. Wing is sound but paint lost gloss and took on a textured appearance in some areas when cloth and steam were used to remove a twist from the center section. Paint responds to rubbing compound and polishing compound. $495 for airframe. $25 each for servos. Shipping extra.

Shipping will be in custom box to be returned to me or you pay $50 for box and packing materials.

If interested, e-mail me privately.

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