Happy new year guys.   What better way to start the new year than with a question that is a little off topic.
I'm handling a probate estate that has in it a collection of plastic scale models, mostly of interesting miltary jets and WWII fighters.  They are fairly well built, probably better than I ever did as a kid, but not museum quality by a long shot.
Vulcan, Hustler, SR-71, Pogo, U-2, Mitchell, Jug, P-51, etc.  Maybe a couple of dozen models.  Do these things have any value?  Any market is built plastic scale models?  Anybody interested?  (also some flat top and sub and naval surface craft that I can't identify).
    On topic:   I almost went flying today.  I went and watched the Westerville guys motor around, but the advertized SE winds never materialized, so we didn't slope.
Tom H. Nagel
Judicatum Prucurator Recuperatio

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