
No manufacturer has ever claimed that PCM would work alongside FM on the same channel. I wouldn't jump to that conclusion based on one test. In fact I wouldn't even entertain the notion that it might be remotely possible.

The only reason I ever saw for using PCM receivers was the ability to change out the transmitter battery while the airplane was in flight. The PCM receiver - if no fail save settings have been implemented - will hold the last settings when signal is lost. So if the plane is trimmed for level flight you can shut down the transmitter for a while without the plane going nuts.

Hope this helps

At 04:55 AM 1/17/2006, Ed Anderson wrote:
Jim Laurel,

I read your informal test of PCM vs. PPM on your JR radio.  I have never heard
that you could avoid channel conflict by using a PCM receiver.  Failsafe and,
perhaps faster or more solid signal handling were what I heard.  Can anyone
confirm this ability of a PCM receiver to ignore a PPM signal on the same
channel?  Could be a good reason for me to consider using PCM.  I never had a
good reason before.

Ed Anderson
aeajr on the forums
Long Island Silent Flyers

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