Reminds me of the Laser 2MC from NSP.

On Jan 17, 2006, at 7:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this is one of those jewels that are often not noticed, well mostly cuz it is a 2m :-)

However, while it is NOT an Organic, it does fly well and it is a more conventional looking ship for those of you who want a two piece wing ship....and it's about half of a new Organic.
I got to see it fly, head to head, man on man against my new Pike Giant, and while I have to temper my enthusiasm for its performance some cuz it was flown by Florida's 2m fanatic (Rick Eckels)...the two of them did end up being giant-killers that day (no need to re-mention the fact that I got bit by a line break :-).
In any case if you guys are looking for a bagged, live hinged 2m, take a look at the Apex...
Bradenton Florida tonite

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