Since the last overall update on 10/31 I've completed another Genie LT/S, my 9th, and another big Genie, #28. As usual, some new things have been learned and incorporated in the various files, along with some new pictures. Friend Jay Decker has just completed an overall update at

Following modeler David Stack's idea about RDS flats and setscrew orientation for easy setscrew access, Files 6, the RDS file, and File 3, the wing file, have been revised to strictly detail that orientation. I did it in #9 LT/S and it so greatly simplified securing flap drive shafts, I decided it's the one best way. I also put new pics and drawings in File 6 about making shafts and pockets and bend elbow locations for smoothest operation. I edited the whole File 6 text, too, and it's been cut 5 pages.

Modeler Keith McClellan made a good suggestion about supporting the RDS flat servo well covers flush with adjacent skin and pics are shown in File 3 and 6. Use of supporting posts and screws have been abandoned.

Tom Hoopes and I worked out a harness for the Genie line. I first used it in #28 and all went very well. There are some pics in File 7, the composite fuselage file, and in a document I can e mail on request that discusses Tom's harness and tells how to use a 6 pin Deans to make up one as I've done on 60 some other ships.

The Gallery file has some new pics, including some of #28. I've added a mug shot of myself in case anyone wonders what a near 85 year old looks like being in the hobby since age 8. I swear, it does help to keep active. Having something to do at the workbench is still motivating.

File 7, the composite fuse file, now has some pics of LT/S #9 in it and there are some other substantial changes and worthy tips in case you build a ship with one of these fuses. The "dowel handle" to support a fuse for painting works very well.

In File 9, the hinging options file, I've revised the order of the options to favor the "individual Kevlar hinge" system. Friend Winston Okerlund, who designed the Genie line wing planforms and airfoil combinations, came up with this post-bagging hinge idea. I've put it in several ships now for flaps, including in Genie #28 and like it best of anything done so far. It is simple, strong and allows such easy deflection. Unless the layup in a bagged wing is lighter than I like to use on my rugged ships, I find that Kevlar skin-hinged ailerons and flaps are reluctant to easily deflect and tend to rip, unlike these "individial Kevlar hinges".

The file "Anatomy of a Fuselage Repair" now has a section on repairing a snapped area behind the wing on a composite fuselage. With the Tx switch off, I launched an LT/S on a short high start. That resulted a new "educational opportunity".

File 10, the LT/S supplementary file, has some new opening pics.

I have too many airframes. If you can use a slightly used LT/S or big Genie, let's "talk".

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