I think we could do better than the rising/lowering beep tone on the
Picalario.  You see the happy, smiling face when the guy with the earplug is
watching the plane go up.  When he's plowing through sink, however, there
should be some tune like the entrance music for Darth Vader or maybe Taps
played on a violin.

I've used one for cross country, but really did it matter if I was 2,200 or
2,500 feet?  I was up there high enough and more thermals were up the road.

I'd rather listen to a good timer than a 3 second delay Picalario.
Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

> From: "Tom H. Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:58:25 -0500
> To: "RCSE" <soaring@airage.com>
> Subject: [RCSE] Picalario Pixilation
> Guys,
>   I wonder if the common belief that pilots can't listen to an altimeter and
> fly RC at the same time is related to the pretty well proven fact that driving
> and talking on a cell phone is an accident waiting to happen.
>   Hang up and fly.
> Tom H. Nagel
> Judicium Procurator
> Recuperatio 

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