Title: Supras and asssited soaring

   I own a supra with a picolario installed ! Any one up for the challenge ?

   Well I don’t own any of it, I was reading all the replies and was kind of fun just to think what would happen if a guy arrives at the contest field with a SUPRA and a PICOLARIO. I mean, not a guy, but if the supra #34 shows up with the picolario #56 . J

   It is just amazing how the molded planes fly and the things you can do with it. If I had all the money in the world I would probably be looking at a supra right now but, I cant possibly deny it. But not at the point to stop or slow down my learning curve just because a "plane of the season" is released. I guess one can learn a lot from flying different planes but in order to do that he must be experienced enough to tell when the plane was really the responsible for that great flight.

  Chase for the season model will continue, as the evolution will.  Assisted soaring gadgets may or not become standard tools at contests. That is not what worries me,.. but the smallest possibility that a Chip Hyde or  a Somenzine (3d flyer winners at TOC) can enter on a soaring contest and start winning after 3 rounds just because of thegolden fingers to perfectly land a plane on the spot. That is annoying, that is not soaring.

  Not questioning the time and money it takes to learn how to nail the landing or to make a 15 minutes flight using a variometer . Just what we want to measure at the competitions to call a guy the best soaring pilot of the world !!!

Best Rgds,



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