Peter Robinson wrote:
Hi All,

Just a quick status update.

Current outstanding issues with out resolution (in order of importantance):
1) NetworkManager API changes. HELP please.
2) Secondary toolbars issue
3) Browse (mitigated - see below)

Current issues with fixes due soon:
1) Browse - Surf should land in the images in the next couple of days
2) eToys

Closed issues:
1) Turtle Art crashing.

Other issues:
1) problems with csound/midi issues - Looks like this isn't just in
Fedora and is upstream

Does anyone know of any other outstanding issues? Other points,
problems, thoughts?

My 2 cents:

Listed in easiest to hardest:

1-) Restart from main drop-down menu causes shutdown and ejection of CD (BUG) not the same as the Control panel/about me/color change; restart which returns to gdm login
Suggest add "Log Out" to drop-down menu to accomplish this (It is removed in the soas.ks as I remember) so that changes can be used on a booted live CD or a non-persistent USB while they run.

2-) fix sound in record. (It works fine in speak)

3-) Include wireless driver for MacBook Pro i7 (my personal wish list) so when it is booted from CD with "C" key it is able to connect to a wireless AP

4-)   a- fix Read or as an alternative:
b- sugarize the program evince, so it has access to the journal ONLY ( PDF file reading ) + add the application edit-8 for opening (txt files) let these be selected in the "start with" from the file suffixes)
   Tom Gilliard

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