On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Thomas C Gilliard
<satel...@bendbroadband.com> wrote:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit#Important_update_needed_for_liveusb-creator_in_f15_final_release
> No Persistence unless update
> http://harald.fedorapeople.org/downloads/dracut/dracut-009-11.fc15/dracut-009-11.fc15.noarch.rpm
> This does not seem to have made the f15 release...

No it hasn't, I'll ensure its in the final SoaS release when its cut.

Thomas: please search the updates interface and reference that where
necessary to check what the state is (it also provides properly signed
packages rather than random ones). This update is currently in
testing: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/dracut-009-11.fc15

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