
I am Kalpa Welivitigoda from Sri Lanka.

I was searching for a FOSS project to contribute on and I came across
Sugar on a Stick through OpenHatch.

I am involved in Fedora Project [1] , Mozilla Firefox and have
contributed in lokalizing  some of the other projects including
OpenOffice, pidgin, GNOME etc. Apart from them I am active on Hanthana
Linux [2], a local project. Hanthana is a remix of Fedora. I attend
FOSS related events and talk about FOSS to make the public aware. I
currently write to two local e-magazines (FOSS User [3] and Hanthana+,
yet to be released.)

In technical aspects, I am familiar with java and python and uses
Fedora as my primary and only OS. In Sugar on a Stick I hope to make
use of my python knowledge and learn more on python. I also wish to
package applications and actually I have done one related to fedora
Sound SIG [4]. But it is not upstream yet since there are some more
sound tracks to be added. I wish to learn further on packaging also.

So at the moment the ways I can contribute to Sugar on a Stick will be with;
1) testing
2) fixing bugs or adding new features to existing activities (depend
on the level of python expertise needed)
3) packaging activities for fedora

I am reading for my BSc of Eng degree major in Electrical Engineering
and I wish to contribute to FOSS in my leisure time.

My irc nickname is callkalpa

Please help me get started!

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Callkalpa
[2] http://www.hanthana.org
[3] http://www.fossuser.lk
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Sound

Best Regards,

Kalpa Pathum Welivitigoda
SoaS mailing list

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