Forwarded Conversation
From: Frederick Grose <>
Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:50 PM
To: Development of live Sugar distributions <>
Cc: Sugar-dev Devel <>

With Fedora-SoaS-Live-x86_64-32-1.6.iso I'm hearing no sound.
And see no log messages.

Is this a common problem?

From: James Cameron <>
Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 8:04 PM
To: Frederick Grose <>
Cc: Development of live Sugar distributions <>,
Sugar-dev Devel <>

I've no idea about your sound problem.  It doesn't happen for me on
Debian or Ubuntu.  I get sound from Speak and Music Keyboard.  I get
sound into Measure.

For not seeing any log messages; Python 3 holds messages in process
memory and does not flush logs.  Another layer of buffering.

Log files in .sugar/default/logs should be read after stopping the
program that writes to them.

For activity logs, you have to stop the activity and confirm with
Frame F6 that it is stopped.

For shell.log you have to log out and log in again.

For datastore.log you have to log out for a couple of minutes and then
log in again.  Otherwise the same datastore process may be reused.

James Cameron

From: Alex Perez <>
Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 8:11 PM
To: Frederick Grose <>
Cc: Development of live Sugar distributions <>,
Sugar-dev Devel <>


Chances are, with the sound problem, that this is a system/Fedora specific
problem, and has nothing to do with Sugar. You can test this hypothesis by
downloading a different spin of RC1.6, for example the LXDE Live ISO, and
test sound there.


Thanks for the hints.

I tested a live USB installation of LXDE 32-1.6 and got sound for the music
player sample.

So probably not Fedora in general, nor Sugar, but something in the SoaS

I've opened and attached the zipped
logs from some test sessions.
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