Peter Robinson <>
May 1, 2020 at 3:42 AM

What is the process for requesting a re-spin of F32 SoaS? I've
discovered an unfortunate bug in the release F32 SoaS
sugar-toolkit-gtk3, and the necessary patch is here:
The process is one of two methods 1) get in a time machine and go back
to a time prior to release 2) we fix it for Fedora 33.
That's fine, we will definitely want to get it this patch pulled in for F33/rawhide, and then in to F32 stable as an update. What I'm really after is how _we_ (Sugar Labs) can re-build our own spin, which incorporates this fix.
This is why we have a beta release and nightly builds and release
candidates on the way to GA, to test and get the bugs like this. We
can push the fix as an update for those that install SoaS but we don't
have the resources to completely respin the live images just because
you decided to only test things post release.
Totally understandable, however your tone isn't particularly constructive here. Just the facts, please. I'm not asking you to do this work, just provide guidance, so _we_ can do this independently.
I'm sorry, but we don't
have the resource for that, and it's been that way and communicated as
such since the original SoaS release.

An update will fix it for those running on installed systems just fine.

This commit can be viewed at
Please create a pull request against the package or coordinate with
Ibiam to get a PR done.
Will do.
I've verified it fixes the problem of not being able to start
external/downloaded activities, by manually applying it from a running
LiveCD/ISO environment with patch, then killing jarabe.

I'd also like to request that we add the 'patch' package to the default
list of installed packages, in the respin.
I don't know what you mean by "default list of installed packages". We
won't be re-spinning, the F-32 ship has sailed.
literally just add 'patch' as one of the packages installed (in F33)


Alex Perez <>
April 30, 2020 at 4:32 PM

What is the process for requesting a re-spin of F32 SoaS? I've discovered an unfortunate bug in the release F32 SoaS sugar-toolkit-gtk3, and the necessary patch is here:

This commit can be viewed at

I've verified it fixes the problem of not being able to start external/downloaded activities, by manually applying it from a running LiveCD/ISO environment with patch, then killing jarabe.

I'd also like to request that we add the 'patch' package to the default list of installed packages, in the respin.
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