Summary: you are conflating git patches with diff patches.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 12:55:49PM +0100, Chihurumnaya Ibiam wrote:
> telepathy-salut-0.8.1.tar.gz does contain lib/ext/wocky as a
> directory with files in it and it has the github repo as it's
> upstream and that doesn't contain lib/ext /wocky as a directory but
> as a wocky submodule. I don't see a reason why the git submodule is
> affecting it at the moment

It has affected it because of how you prepared the patch using git
instead of using diff.

> Yeah I haven't created an PRs as I'm trying to get it to build
> locally first, you can find the patch here.

The patch is in error because;

(a) it is generated using git(1), and contains no content except
submodule hashes, yet you are asking to apply using patch(1),

(b) unlike patch0, it does not have complete file paths.

You should generate the patch again, using diff -ru, between two
clones that have been prepared to the corresponding states.

> The commit upstream shows that there was a change but the change was
> to a submodule, the source files from
> contains lib/ext/wocky but the source on github doesn't and that
> explains the error from build.log

You should not use the tar.gz from github, because it

(a) does not equal the distributed software; therefore unsupported,

(b) does not contain autoconf prepared source; therefore broken, and

(c) does not have submodules expanded; therefore incomplete.

> I used rpmbuild to build just the %prep section and ls shows there
> files in lib /ext/wocky but still throws same error when applying
> the patch and I don't get why right now but I think it's because the
> patch is pointing to a submodule commit.

No, it is because the patch is not intended for processing by

The patch(1) command has no clue (or glue) for handling git patches in
that way.

Hope that helps!

James Cameron
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