This week I finished the following packages:

* android-platform-system
  - adb
  - android-f2fs-utils(-dev)
  - android-libcutils(-dev)
  - android-libext4-utils(-dev)
  - android-liblog(-dev)
  - android-libnativehelper(-dev)
  - android-libsparse(-dev)
  - android-libutils(-dev)
  - android-libziparchive(-dev)
  - fastboot
* android-platform-dalvik
  - android-libdex(-dev)
  - dexdump
  - dmtracedump
  - hprof-conv
* android-platform-external-libselinux
  - This is a fork of libselinux by AOSP so it is good to make a
separate package.
* android-platform-build <>:
  - android-globalconfig-dev
* safe-iop <>:
  - This is a header-only library used by libdex so we maintain it
under Android Tools Team.

Working on zipalign of android-platform-build I found another package
that needs to be updated, zopfli. Next week I will focus on updating
f2fs-tools, e2fsprogs and zopfli to satisfy the requirements of
Android SDK.

This week we have also come to a conclusion of using a new version
scheme for Android SDK packages, that is to follow the Android release
tags which we use to fetch upstream tarballs. The versions have been
changed to 5.1.1+r8 or 1:5.1.1+r8 to imply that we fetched
android-5.1.1_r8 tag from <>.

The following is my previous reports:
* Week 1: 
* Week 2: 
* Week 3: 
* Week 4: 
* Week 5: 
* Week 6: 
* Week 7: 
* Week 8: 

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