
This is my #10 weekly report on my Summer of Code project 'Debsources as
a platform'
You can view commits on alioth [1] or pull requests on github [2].
Kanban board with my per week tasks is available on trello [3].

Previous report:


This week I worked on initiating the patch tracker finishing the
browsing of packages versions then the patch-related package summary
(including a patch list and file deltas), syntax highlighted view of a
patch and raw download of a patch.

Patch tracker init

The patch tracker will be a blueprint based on the current code-base of
Debsources similar to the recently created blueprint of the copyright
tracker. So this week i worked on building up the skeleton of the
blueprint and then creating the browsing - navigation in the patch
tracker by package prefix, by a list of all the packages and finally
navigating between different package versions.

Work was merged with PR#32 [4]

Patch-related package summary

This page is similar to the old patch tracker. It lists all the
available patches about a particular package - version along with some
other usefull information such as file deltas, patch name and links to
download or view a patch

Work was merged with PR#33 [5]

Patch view - download

I worked on syntax-highlighting a patch using highlight.js and raw
downloading a patch.

Work was merged with PR#33 [5]

Next week

Next week, I'll work on extracting the description-subject of a patch
(if it exists) to add it in the package summary. The next task is to
create links pointing to Debsources from the files mentioned in the file
deltas at the package summary. Final two tasks would be to create links
to the BTS from the bugs mentioned in a patch and then propose an API
for the patch tracker.

Thanks for reading,


[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/debsources.git
[2] https://github.com/Debian/debsources/pulls
[3] https://trello.com/b/LG8eUfPS/debsources
[4] https://github.com/Debian/debsources/pull/32
[5] https://github.com/Debian/debsources/pull/33

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