It is not necessary for transnational corporations to move operations to avoid 
taxation.  Location of "profit" or "value added" is a matter of bookkeeping between 
parents and subsidiaries, and the corporation has more (and better) accountants and 
lawyers than the tax collectors.

Steve Russell

> ----------
> On Monday 10 February 2003 23:59, Jonathan wrote:
> > Probably a naive question, but here goes...
> > Wouldn't Jessop's proposal just encourage companies to move offshore,
> > or obtain their financing abroad?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I don't think it would lead to that any more than any increases or changes in 
> tax rates, which happens periodically in any economy. The proposal, when 
> fully developed, should lead to complete neutrality from the capital 
> investment point of view, as it does form the consumers POV.
> Jessop.
> --------------------------------
> > Jonathan
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/08/03 06:19AM >>>
> >
> > On Saturday 08 February 2003 01:56, you wrote:
> > > For some reason I find the notion very appealing of 100%
> > > reserves with the Central Bank lending the bank the reserves
> > > at either the base rate of 50% of the loan rate, with the
> > > share of the interest payments to the central bank distributed
> > > automatically as a social dividend.
> >
> > -----------------------------------------
> >
> > I proposed a simplified tax system in a chapter of 'my book' The Good
> > Country
> > (still in production!) which I sent to our Minister of Finance. I
> > received a
> > reply from the Chief Director: Tax Policy giving all the reasons why it
> > could
> > not be considered, the main ones being the difficulties of changing to
> > any
> > new system, and the need to comply with WTO standards. I understand
> > that, and
> > would have been very surprised had they given it any serious
> > consideration.
> >
> > I had proposed it as a complete system, eliminationg all other forms of
> > tax
> > and revenue collection --- income tax, VAT, duties, excise tax. I
> > hadn't
> > thought that a partial implementation could be possible, but your
> > comment
> > makes me think otherwise -- it could provide funds for the social
> > dividend,
> > while leaving the normal tax apparatus in place.
> >
> > The idea -- which I would call the 'Joseph' system is set out in the
> > attached
> > .html document. It is, of course, a 'suggestion in principle' which
> > would
> > still need a lot of thought and refinement. In the light of recent
> > discussions
> > with you on the Social Credit List, there are some things I would
> > alter, but
> > the basic idea would hold.
> >
> > Jessop.
> > -------------------------
> > 

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