Hello Cal from me again. I can't actually remember where I got asked if I
wanted to get signed up for THIS list(social credit)....but here I am and
trying to wade through some of the concepts. I've finally checked out some
of the links I think mostly posted by you and now I know what stamp scrip
is, for one thing. Call me old fashioned, but I like examples where they
talk about Trombones etc.! May I ask please, do you just sit around all day
THINKING?! What drives you to be so thorough? Do you harbor  an intention
to transform the world- seriously? Or do you like to ponder about it is all?

Ecuse my curiosity, I'm just a little overwhelmed with the volume but
fascinated. I had trouble with Michael Linton's (open money) site in that
it was slow...and a bit ragged...I'd really like someone just to go ahead
and post up a useable cyberLETS program that works, not just one to play
with!! Or is that MY mission now?....and  is the guy talking about the
internet saying we will develop different ways of exchanging for our usage
of it? Now THERE'S a concept!

I guess the mission is partly accomplished if one can just convince a
certain number of people to agree with it- which is  like learning a new
mutual language, isn't it. We do have a number of people here in my town
agreeing to play the game so I guess I can be pleased about that. Now I'm
going to work towards networking the groups together a bit more..without
centralising. I see our little local groups like the nodes of a brain- each
has its own strenghtjhs and modes.

Cheers for now, Sue in SA

PS Another friend said I would like Macluhan's work..so it's interesting
that it's popped up here..but is there a hyperlink posted somewhere?

>One chapter of the Alexander Del Mar book, chapter XIV, is posted at:
>Stephen Zarlenga has posted the Brian Leslie review of his (Zarlinga's)
>book titled THE LOST SCIENCE OF MONEY to the gang 8 email list.
>Gang 8 is open to the public for reading.
>The present system creates credit money out of thin air and in the
>process creates a claim upon the production of others. This fraud is
>explained here:
><http://www.sus-tec.freeserve.co.uk/current/sustec11-1/page4.htm> and
>is possibily a conclusion drawn from the work of Professor Auriti.
>It has been one theme I have repeated with variations in many posts
>that the creation of money should NOT be centralized. This social
>function is easily converted into a mechanism for controlling people
>and enslaving them. Men (and women) who are attracted to the prospect
>of having power over people will be attracted to this position.
>The obvious conclusion if you accept the premise in the previous
>paragraph is that the creation of the money needs to be decentralized.
>In support of this conclusion, I have posted writing from Marshall
>McLuhan on money being an extension of speech. (Speech is not
>centralized; why should money be centralized?) This meme is in support
>of all those persons who have already realized that money is primarily
>an information system for allocating human effort.
>The effort to provide such a system continues, and the following link
>is to one of several such systems: <http://www.openmoney.org>
>So, who dares to write the future of money?
>Good Luck, Cal

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