Social Credit, an economic plan in Canada, based on  the theories of Clifford Hugh Douglas
Douglas proposed a system of issuing to every citizen dividends, the amount of which would be determined by an estimate of the nation's real wealth;
Not Social Credit.
It seems to me that SC in the 1930's needed money it tried to raise from a tax on banks.
Not Social Credit.
In contrast, I suggest the money needed for SC goals can come from special bond financing
similar to that which financed the arsenal of democracy in the 1940's.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:35 AM
Subject: [SOCIAL CREDIT] Real Demand, Compensated Price, Social or Consumer Dividend

Bill Ryan has indicated that Social Credit
proposes to better match real demand to
productive capacity in any nation willing
to modestly reform its economic practice.
There is no hint that SC would reduce real
demand -- rather it would raise monetized
demand to the level of our capacity to pro-
duce all needs. 
Moreover it would raise that capacity to levels
that would ensure that people now poor would
enjoy the real equivalent of a living wage or
Bill also indicated that the primary mechanisms
to raise productive capacity and raise monetized
demand by people who are now poor would be
the mechanisms we call a compensated price
and a consumer dividend.
Similar to Bill's information is the following ency-
clopedia entry:
Social Credit, an economic plan in Canada, based on
the theories of Clifford Hugh Douglas. The central idea
is that the problems fundamental to economic depression
are those of unequal distribution owing to lack of purcha-
sing power. To solve these difficulties Douglas proposed
a system of issuing to every citizen dividends, the amount
of which would be determined by an estimate of the nation's
real wealth; the establishment of a just price for all goods
would be the result.
The program became highly influential in Alberta during the
depression years, and the Social Credit party, led by William
Aberhart, won a resounding victory in the provincial elections
of 1935.
The program included distribution of a social dividend of
$25 a month, but it proved impossible to put this scheme
into practice. Attempts to tax banks and to enter on
currency schemes were declared unconstitutional by
the courts in Canada.
Nevertheless, the party remained in power in Alberta until
defeated in 1971. In the federal parliament, the party re-
tained 6 seats until 1980, when it lost them all.
Now I would like to contrast and compare all
the above -- Ryan's and the encyclopedia --
with my thoughts of yesterday:


o  My personal friends and our government frequently
    ask for more money to solve acute problems.

o  Our government recently said all the money they need
    is really MY money or OUR money but NOT its money
    -- not, that is, government's money.

o  My friends and I don't really have any money. So I
    wonder if our government is right -- maybe it does
    have money but cannot find it ?

o  Asking around, some of my friends have heard that
    the government's budget does not all have to come
    out of taxes we pay and money we lend it when we
    (and larger lenders) buy government notes and

o  We heard that the central bank by practice (and law
    if Congress enacts one) can trust the government and
    so advance it spending money against bonds
    whose coupons government would own and
    whose principal would only be sold to buyers
    if necessary to prevent serious inflation.

                The decision of whether or when to sell these
    special bonds would be left to the Congress in session
    when the sale might take place.

o  Now, considering the President's recent idea and fore-
    cast that hydrogen power was on its way, we pray the
    Congress and the American people will authorize
    a special hydrogen budget that will be a trial for
    spending that resembles WW II spending and applies
    the principle of special bond financing.

o  We further pray Congress and the people will observe
     the results of the above trial.  If success is achieved,
     in that serious inflation does not follow the spending,
     the next trial, or possibly the first, will be to finance
     the fifty states in these present hours of need.

o  In reasonably short order, we want these special
    bonds to be used to ensure that poeple looking for
    work are NOT denied the chance to earn a living
    because government is looking to me and my friends
    for money that special bonds may provide. I and
    my freinds don't have it and we are sure that
    government does.
It seems to me that SC in the 1930's needed
money it tried to raise from a tax on banks.
In contrast, I suggest the money needed for
SC goals can come from special bond financing
similar to that which financed the arsenal of
democracy in the 1940's.
The SC program for a just or compensated
price appears to me to be related to cost price
with profit margins (over cost) to be varied for
good reason -- but not varied by producers
for reasons of their own -- like rapid growth
from sales and retained earnings or high
dividends to greedy owners.
My own ideas on pricing goals and policies
include reward for cost-plus pricing and
subsidized competition to combat near-
monopoly and oligopoly price abuse.
The Alberta Social Credit Party is alive and
well.     Its platform,
policies, goals and objectives all speak of
a practical centrist agenda suitable to any
modern nation.  It is very light on debtless
money and silent on taxless, indexed-sav-
ings fiat money.
I hope this discussion forum can develop
several  agendas so that if we attract a
constituency they will know what we want.

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