What an extreme delight to read Jack's message!!!!

    I think he proves most of his own points.  Even in
    plain text, compelling comment takes hold of an

    His point that propagandists for our goals have
    to succeed in some sort of time frame is where
    we may disagree.  If we made some new shows
    for distribution on the net or by very cheap CD's
    and DVD's, on a not-for-porift basis, we could
    even include the TRUTH of Jack's experience--
    that live interaction after a show is better than a
    show (or nearly so) can be INTERNAL to the 
    film and story.

    The whole point is that if people could buy 
    DVD's the way they buy books -- but much
    cheaper -- with the HOPE of really having in
    hand and house a SOURCE of great thinking,
    like a copy of the Declaration of Independence 
    or The Bill of Rights -- OK, I'm a going off the
    deep end -- we ain't going to reach that level
    of inspiring content -- but the point is IF we
    can look for that experience as the END IN
    ITSELF  -- so that voters have a powerful
    source of ideas that speak to such things
    as "money enough for all", "pensions (similar
    to what Gephardt promised today)", "health
    care paid for by thinking of the doctors, nurses,
    beds and medicine -- not the money itself --
    because these doctors, etc., who get paid and 
    go shopping and keep the next patient 
    employed on the job, etc.", and a million other
    serious themes that can be made DRAMATIC 

    Anyway, Jack and I do NOTdisagree on anything.
    We compete and only need a good editor and
    director to make sense of the bullshit we say.

    The problem is not with the idea. The problem 
    is with the hard work it takes to do it. But if
    Jack with his experience doesn't die too soon
    we might have a chance.

    I'm copyiing this to social credit forum. Am also
    sending Jack's original to them.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jack Hirschfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Reaching the Voter - Can We Do It ?

At 2:27 PM -0500 2/19/03, Curtiss Priest wrote:
>I have no doubt that you and I and various folk can talk
>all day on some <... snip>  [see Jack's original message]

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