Part two.


  1. Practical Christianity: Social Credit has nothing to do with any theological organization or religious faith. The introduction of Roman Catholicism, Protestant religions or any other religion has nothing to do with Social Credit. We can usefully distinguish in this context (Practical Christianity) two aspects of Christianity. There is the aspect which gives rise to Christian theology; and the aspect, which embodies certain ethical and metaphysical values. It is with the latter that social Credit is specially concerned.
Contrary to much that has been written on the topica list concerning Social Credit and Christianity there is ample evidence to show the misunderstandings. 


            Civilisation might be defined as the incarnation of ethical and metaphysical values in the institutions of society.  Now, C. S. Lewis, in his 'Abolition of Man', has pointed out that the values embodied in the great religions are not several, but one coherent system.   He uses the Chinese word 'Tao' to denote this system.    Alduous Huxley ('The Perennial Philosophy') and Lin Yutang ('The Wisdom of China and India') have compiled anthologies from the Scriptures of different religious systems, which demonstrate this truth very clearly.


                Social Credit is the practicable endeavour to transform the institutions of society in such a way that the transcendental values of the  'Tao' may find incarnation in them.


                A further generalisation of the lessons of the Scriptures of the great religions is that such an incarnation is dependent on the individual, and is manifested through individual initiative.  The very purpose of Social Credit as a system is to free the individual initiative by placing the benefits of association directly at the services of individual initiative.  The objective of Social Credit is to enable the individual to achieve the maximum differentiation possible.


                When we say that 'Social Credit is the Policy of a Philosophy' we mean that every action we take towards a certain policy is the result of a philosophy.   There are two basic philosophies in the world, and, because these philosophies are diametrically opposed to each other, they give rise to conflicting policies.   The first philosophy is one, which conceives of all power and authority arising from a point EXTERNAL to the individual.   The second philosophy conceives of all power and authority from WITHIN the individual.   The first philosophy gives rise to policies, which necessitate a certain type of organisation in order to IMPOSE certain conditions upon the individual.   This philosophy results in the individual being subordinated to the State, the System, or some other abstraction.  It can be termed a false philosophy, because it gives rise to policies which conflict with the natural desires of the individual.    This false philosophy is helped by many people who may be opposed to one another.   For example there is the alleged conflict between Communism and Fascism.   We must learn to look beyond labels to find the reality behind the labels.


                The second philosophy, which conceives of reality as an environment in which the individual can make the greatest progress towards self-development, gives rise to a social structure in which there is the greatest possible decentralisation of all policies, including financial policies.  Jesus of Nazareth stated the Christian - the realistic philosophy, when he said:  "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU".


The corollary to this is that each individual must accept responsibility for his actions. This is distinct from the notion that actions by groups – governments, local authorities, institutions all of which are abstractions in name, do not, and cannot accept responsibility for their actions. Any use of a term such as “In the interests of the nation”, or “the national good”, or “the government advises or suggests” are simply a means of avoiding responsibility.

Vic Bridger


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