On 6 Mar 2003 at 17:15, Victor Bridger wrote:


Well, it could be the case. The meaning and statements could also be in 
However, what bothers me is the recent revival of religious principles throughout 
intelectual community worldwide.
In that revival the new and old axioms have been set, according to current cultural 
positive values, where exclusivity plays an important role.
I am aware of your message, but saying "Christian ethical and metaphysical values" 
even out of context, almost excludes other two fractions of the basically same 
and support and rainforce the myths of its exclusivity in widely accepted positive 

I do not try to be critic of your general view, but react to recent wide spreading 


> I am sorry, but you just do not seem to have got the message.
> Vic Bridger (note - name signed)
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Social Credit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 6:22 PM
> Subject: RE: [SOCIAL CREDIT] {SOCIAL CREDIT] Policy of a Philosophy
> > On 5 Mar 2003 at 17:07, Victor Bridger wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Social Credit
> > > stands for the freedom of the individual and decentralized policy within
> the bounds of those
> > > Christian ethical and metaphysical values.
> >
> > Please don't fall into the same trap.
> > There are no basic "values" differences between any of the factions of
> original Jewish
> > religion, thus including Christianity and Islam.
> > Claiming that Christianity equals good, right, etc.and represents positive
> ethical and
> > metaphysical values with regard to other two is simply senseless.
> >
> > The real inter-human relations advantage as well as general prosperity of
> many parts
> > of the world was built upon freeing itself from and destruction of such
> primitive
> > religious "values".
> >
> >
> >
> >

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