I have archived at 
http://www.geocities.com/socredus/joseph-1934.txt A. 
W. Joseph's 1934 address which was published in 1935 
with this forward from C. H. Douglas:

The famous division of Gaul into three parts has its 
reflection in the aspects of monetary reform. There 
is the political aspect, the ethical aspect, and the 
technical aspect.

The two first of these offer in many ways more 
emotional attractions than does the third, and for 
this reason as well as for its conciseness and 
mathematical soundness I feel that Mr. Joseph's 
little pamphlet fills a want in the Social Credit 
Movement. I am confident that it will receive both 
the circulation and attention which it so fully 

TEMPLE, February 23rd, 1935.

This is Joseph's mathematical argument:

We can divide factories into those making consumable 
goods and those producing either capital equipment or 
goods which are incomplete.  Let A1+B1 be the costs 
in a period to time of articles produced by factories 
making consumable goods divided up into A1 costs 
which refer to money paid to individuals by means of 
salaries, wages, dividends, etc., and B1 costs which 
refer to money paid to other institutions.  Let A2, 
B2 be the corresponding costs of factories producing 
capital equipment.  The money distributed to 
individuals is A1+A2 and the cost of final consumable 
goods is A1+B1.  If money in the hands of the public 
is to be equal to the costs of consumable articles 
produced then A1+A2=A1+B1 and therefore A2=B1.  Now 
modern science has brought us to the stage where 
machines are more and more taking the place of human 
labour in producing goods, i.e., A1 is becoming less 
important relatively to B1 and A2 less important 
relatively to B2.  In symbols if B1/A1=k1 and 
B2/A2=k2 both k1 and k2 are increasing.  Since A2=B1, 
this means that 
A2+B2/A1+B1=(1+k2)A2/(1+1/k1)B1=1+k2/(1+1/k1) which 
is increasing.  Thus in order that the economic 
system should keep working it is essential that 
capital goods should be produced in ever increasing 
quantity relatively to consumable goods.  As soon as 
the ratio of capital goods to consumable goods 
slakens, costs exceed money distributed, i.e., the 
consumer is unable to purchase the consumable goods 
coming on the market.

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