***>Marginalism/STV disagrees...  They state price is 
set where marginal cost = marginal utility<***

No, they most definitely do NOT state that.  Price is 
price.  The "profit maximizing," "market clearing" or 
"equilibrium" price is where "marginal revenue" 
equals "marginal cost."  That price arises only in 
the condition of "perfect competition" in the absence 
of "monopoly."  It is merely a theoretical model that 
on its own terms is perfectly logical.  I've already 
informed you of this error.  And I say that as an 
opponent of marginalism.  The only thing you are 
demonstrating is that you are an ignoramus.

***>That which exist but by the group.  If I need 
another to pick a fruit from a tree, then the fruit 
of the labor is a product of the group and not the 
individual.  Put another way it is the ensuing 
economies of scale resulting from 
specialization/barter.  Since it a product of a 
group, then the case can be made that the group 
should decide how to apportion this resulting 

The last sentence here does not follow logically from 
the first three.  The benefits flowing from 
association accrue to the individuals making up the 
group.  It is they as individuals who should decide 
on apportionment.  They can best do that through free 

***>Thus nearly all of our wealth is a creation 
beyond that of the individual, to which the 
individual can not have an objective (especially 
large) claim on such assets.<***

The individual can legitimately have a claim that is 
greater than his own contribution because a) the 
whole is greater than the sum of its parts--what we 
call the increment of association, and b) the 
cultural heritage handed down from past generations.  
That claim is best expressed through free markets 
rather than bureaucratic dictat.  So the truth is the 
exact opposite of your assertion.

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