In your online book that you referred us to, you have a chapter and appendix on "rent" which I would like to discuss in future postings. It presents an argument that seems to be close to the marginalist argument that I have been criticizing recently.

My first question to you is this: Does it differ or how does it differ from standard marginalism?

You will have to define "standard marginalism" and you will have to say something about what it is used for. I suspect that we will agree on this, but perhaps not. If you focus on the appendix and ask the question why I added this appendix, that may help.

Pat Gunning, Feng Chia University, Taiwan;
New book: UNDERSTANDING DEMOCRACY http://www.constitution.org/pd/gunning/votehtm/cove&buy.htm
Web pages on Praxeological Economics, Democracy, Taiwan, Ludwig von Mises, Austrian
Economics, and my University Classes; http://www.constitution.org/pd/gunning/welcome.htm

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