On Saturday 08 Nov 2003 7:26 pm, Bill wrote:
> We very badly need a demonstration project.  The next
> great historical opportunity is Iraq.  Secretary
> Powell and Ambassador Bremer have proposed an Alaska-
> like plan, which would be the foot in the door for
> the social credit perspective.  The financial system
> is being rebuilt from point zero, so it could take
> many forms.  There is nothing preventing us from
> having an input to the discussions.

Bill, seriously, why don't you consider Zimbabwe?
They are even now having meetings to try to sort out their failed economy. 
Inflation is currently running at 455%.

Any good solution for the Zimbabwe problem will resonate throughout Africa.

I'm sure that you, Vic, and Wally could start to engage them in discussions. I 
can't give you any 'intro', but I'm sure you could start to make contact 
somewhere through the Internet.


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