<**>Well, if you want my opinion on this, you will
have to define "standard marginalism" in your
How about intro Nordhaus or Samuelson, any edition?
Or perhaps Heilbroner's micro?  I am simply trying to
establish you as a legitimate proxy for the
mainstream position in regard to marginalism, so I
can use you as a sounding board.  I think in regard
to marginalism that Austrians are very close to the
mainstream.  Am I not correct?


Old Economics

1. Resources are scarce.
2. Progress occurs through capitalist accumulation,
3. accomplished by parsimony,
4. resulting in the division of labor.

New Economics

1. Resources are abundant.
2. Progress occurs through entreprenueurial
3. facilitated by credit,
4. resulting in the displacement of labor.

The Process of the New Economics

[1] Loan credit arises from the private contract
between banker and entrepreneur, [2] creating a
generalized claim against the community as a whole,
[3] enabling the entrepreneur to organize the factors
of production into their most efficient combination,
[4] as ultimately judged by consumers through the
democracy of the market, [5] the informational
feedback mechanism being profit and loss.

[6] Investment is the process of improving the
quantity and quality of capital; [7] is facilitated
by credit, [8[ driven by entrepreneurial initiative,
[9] discovery of resources, and [10] invention of

[11] Saving is the process of acquiring beneficial
ownership claims against capital, which generate
increasing [12] income in the form of dividends or
their functional equivalent, as [13] capital

----Original Message Follows---- From: Pat Gunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] final comment-Gunning-sarcasm Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 11:48:18 +0800

Bill, I think that you misinterpreted my remarks.

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