Dear Mr.Klink
Thank you for your e-mail & I'd like to purchase a copy. Telegraphic remittance is preferable to me than a Banker's Draft/Money Order. May I send by TT? If so please advise details.
Awaiting to hear from you.
Yours faithfully - D/Pateras.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wallace M. Klinck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 11:19 PM
Subject: RE: [SOCIAL CREDIT] The Alberta Experiment: Readily available--Wally

> Note to All Subscribers re Douglas's book "The Alberta Experiment"
> It is indeed a very important work, being the communications between
> Alberta Premier William Aberhart and C. H. Douglas, first published in
> 1937 by Eyre and Spottiswoode in London.  While it is always good to go
> back to originals, I would personally recommend the reprint by Veritas
> Publishing of Western Australia in 1984.  This is an attractive
> paperback, not of the highest print quality through the text, but
> containing an eleven page introduction by Eric D. Butler and a nineteen
> page section entitled "A Background Picture" by the late L. Denis Byrne
> who Douglas sent in 1937, preceded by George Powell, from the United
> Kingdom to advise the then newly elected (1935) "Social Credit"
> Government of the Province of Alberta.  Powell soon returned to the
> United Kingdom but Byrne remained as Technical Advisor to the Alberta
> Government and was highly regarded by Premier Aberhart until the
> latter's death in 1943.  Shortly after, Denis Byrne fell victim to the
> destructive purges of more genuine Social Crediters orchestrated under
> the new Premier, Ernest C. Manning.  Denis Byrne, remained until his
> death, however, a tireless advocate for Social Credit as Douglas had
> presented it.
> This edition of "The Alberta Experiment" is readily available for $12.00
> each, postpaid, in Canadian dollars: 
Send a money-order for that amount
> to "Wallace M. Klinck", C.H. Douglas Social Credit, P.O. Box 3003,
> Sherwood Park, AB, Canada T8H 2T1
and the book will be dispatched
> promptly.
> Sincerely
> Wally
> > Chick,
> >
> > The 'Alberta Experiment" is an excellent book.  There are used copies
> > available through Barnes & Noble, and I believe one of them is stocked
> > by The Edmonton Bookstore, (which may or may not be close to you,
> > depending where you are in Alberta).  I've just recently secured  an
> > original copy, printed in 1937, through B & N  myself.  It's well worth
> > reading, believe me.  Very, very interesting, and well worth the price. 
> > There may also be reprints available still through the Australian League
> > of Rights,  (,  but by all means try to get an original if
> > you can.
> >
> > Joe
> >
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