You walked out of a cinema. You scratched your head in disbelief, and said: 
“Man! I could make a better film than that!”.

Does that sound familiar?

So unlock your imagination, write down your ideas, and send it to JiFFest’s 
Script Development Competition 2008. This is the only chance for you to get a 
fund to produce a film of your lifetime.

Log in to and submit your entries before SEPTEMBER 22, 

And next time, you can show off your smile proudly, point to the big screen and 
say, “I wrote that film”.


Pernah keluar dari bioskop dan ngomel, "Aku bisa koq bikin film lebih bagus 
dari itu!"?

Kalo jawaban kamu adalah "ya", inilah kesempatan kamu buat nulis naskah film 
kamu sendiri, dan kirim JIFFest Script Development Competition (JSDC) 2008!

Log in ke dan kirim karya kamu sebelum 22 SEPTEMBER 

Nanti kalau kamu keluar dari bioskop kamu bisa bilang, "Aku yang bikin film 

10th Jakarta International Film Festival (JiFFest)

December 5-14, 2008

Jl. Sutan Syahrir I C/3-4 

Jakarta Pusat 10350


Phone: +62-21-31925113/31925115

Fax: + 62-21-31925360



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