As DMA mode worked for you but Ultra-DMA mode did not, I would try
to keep DMA mode enabled in the wd driver.  That might be faster, or
at least less CPU intensive, than PIO mode.  Someone who cares to look
at the spec can tell you if the unwired lines are relevant to DMA,
Ultra-DMA, or both.

Emilio Perea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 01:11:26PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2007/05/10 13:51, Soren Kristensen wrote:
> > > The net4801 added support for DMA on the CompactFlash from PCB rev 3, 
> > > dated 040226. If you have an older board then you will need to tell the 
> > > ATA driver to disable DMA, as it will detect that the disk support DMA 
> > > but don't know it's not wired....
> > 
> > In OpenBSD, you do this with flags to the wd(4) driver.
> > 
> > You can edit a kernel which is already built using the -e option
> > to config(8);
> > 
> > $ config -e -o newkernel bsd
> > OpenBSD 4.1-current (GENERIC) #126: Mon May  7 12:43:41 MDT 2007
> >     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
> > Enter 'help' for information
> > ukc> change wd
> >  42 wd* at wdc*|pciide* channel -1 flags 0x0
> > change [n] y
> > channel [-1] ? 
> > flags [0] ? 0x0ff0
> >  42 wd* changed
> >  42 wd* at wdc*|pciide* channel -1 flags 0xff0
> > ukc> quit
> > 
> > If you build your own custom kernel, you can change this in the
> > configuration file.
> > 
> > The flags value I show here, 0x0ff0, disables DMA and UltraDMA
> > and uses whichever PIO mode the device claims to support.
> Thanks Stuart, Graham, Rod and Soren!  I didn't realize my board was not
> "current".  I really appreciate all your help.
> Emilio
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