Hi Lars,

I hesitated replying to this post since I'm not sure what
fragments-per-cylinder-group stands for, and I don't want to give some
bad advice. But the issue just wouldn't exit my mind, so here's what
came sprouting up.

Since "The default is to compute the maximum allowed by the other
parameters", and you are planning to change some if those other
parameters, probably best leave computing the '-c' value to
mount_mfs(1). The -m option in your example sets the default value, so
you can safely drop that as well.

I would simply run mount_mfs() from the commandline and run MAKEDEV in
the MFS partition, and experiment with the size value (-s) based on a No
News Is Good News approach (no complaints means everything works).

You can then try to finding an optimum value for the '-i' option. If the
value is too large, running MAKEDEV will result in some "out of inodes"
error. If it's too low, you'll be wasting disk space on inode blocks
(typically one per 64 inodes).

After this you should find free space again, and go back to the previous
step. In the end you should be able to come up with a nice balance
between these two entities (size/ipb). Probably best leave some space
for additional device nodes as well.

All this assuming that you really want to squeeze every last byte out of
the MFS.

Have fun!


On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 14:56 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
> I've got OpenBSD 4.2 on a net4801 and am mounting /dev in RAM.  I'd like
> to reduce the amount of memory used even further.  Currently only %4 is
> used:
>       Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
>       mfs:21800      853K   34.0K    777K     4%    /dev
> What should I be aware of in /etc/fstab to minimize the memory footprint
> of /dev?  Currently, I have:
>       swap /dev mfs rw,-P/dev.base,-i1,-s2300,-c264,-m5,nosuid 0 0
> Random changes to mfs' parameters aren't getting me anywhere.  There
> should be a rational way of arriving at optimal settings for mfs:
>      -b block-size
>      -c fragments-per-cylinder-group
>      -f frag-size
>      -i bytes
>      -m free-space
>      -s size
> Regards,
> -Lars
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