On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, voip crazy wrote:

> Dear list,
> I planned to install Debian on the soekris 5501 box but I'm not sure if
> install it on a CF card or in a SATA 2,5" Hdd drive.
> Which kind of install will be easier? which one would have less error or
> patching?

I think they'd both be about the same logically, but you'll probably need 
to do more physical work for the HDD install.

> How about the life of a CF card compare with the life of a SATA drive?

You most likely won't run into lifetime issues with the CF (YMMV), kinda 
depends on the CF card you buy and how you set up swap.

Browse on over to the wiki, there should be a how-to for debian.

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