A lot depends on the bandwidth you are planning on using inside the VPN. I'm
using a 4801 with pfsense, running openvpn, and a few tunnels to access some
RDP sessions while I am away from home work great.

Sustained network traffic of a couple of MBit/s is a bit more troublesome,
in my experience.



On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Kenneth Fribert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Hi All
> Being brand new to the world of soekris, I'm sort of stumbling around in
> the dark, and I hope somebody can enlighten me :-)
> I'm considering 5501-70 board for use here in Lynge at our mainsite.
> We in the IT department would probably like to have a VPN connection to the
> site.
> So the question is, will the 5501-70 be tough enough to handle a few VPN
> connections, or do we need to add the vpn1411, and will the vpn1411 even
> work with VPN in pfSense (IPsec <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec>,
> OpenVPN <http://openvpn.net/>)?
> Best regards
> Kenneth
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