On 2008-08-24 15:03:13 +0200, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> In a previous thread it was suggested that this might be a problem
> with ComBIOS version 1.29 and that upgrading to 1.30 (or newer) might
> help.[1]
> So I grabbed b4801_133.bin from http://www.soekris.com/downloads.htm,
> booted the net4801 into the monitor, issued a download command, and
> selected "send file -> xmodem" in minicom. The result looked like this:
> +-----------[xmodem upload - Press CTRL-C to quit]------------+
> |Sending b4801_133.bin, 608 blocks: Give your local XMODEM rec|
> |eive command now.                                            |
> |Xmodem sectors/kbytes sent:   0/ 0kRetry 0: NAK on sector    |
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> ...

Thanks to all who responded. Johannes Bauer suggested off-list that I
should try "download -" instead of "download". And that actually worked!
The BIOS is now updated to 1.33 and grub is working fine.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Am Anfang war der Bug und der
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | Verantwortliche sprach:
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | Es werde ein Testcase.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |    -- Clemens Zauner in dcii

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