On Friday 10 October 2008, you wrote:
> Which specific version of comBIOS 1.33x do you have on your 5501?

According to the comBIOS, just plain 1.33.  It came up without a version 
number.  I saw there's a 1.33c after that, but the changelog didn't 
have the differences, so I didn't want to bother with an upgrade unless 
I knew what I was adding.

> On 10/10/08, Hal Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) Is there a way to boot off the hard drive consistently, without
> > dealing with the bug I've read about?  (Then I wouldn't need the
> > CF.)
> Yes, you can set the boot order in the BIOS to force boot order,
> or use CTRL-P and "boot f0" to manually PXEboot.

Okay, that made a BIG difference!  I got it to do a PXEBoot with the CF 
installed and there was no problem with the Debian installer 
recognizing everything after that.  I don't know the reasoning, but it 
seems (from what I saw) that comBIOS needs the CF to be inserted on 
boot -- if I plug it in later, it causes problems.

I've got a Debian system up and running now.  The root fs is in the CF 
and /tmp and /var are on my hard drive, along with a swap partition and 
a large data partition for file serving work.

Looking back, if I'm going to use this as a printer server, should I 
have made /var fairly large?

> > I would have searched the archives for answers, but I could not
> > find a web page that let me do that.  I've spent a lot of time
> > combing through comments found through Google that almost but not
> > really helped me out.
> I mostly use http://wiki.soekris.info/ for research, searchable
> archives are at: http://archive.netbsd.se/search.php?ml=soekris-tech

I found some good stuff on the wiki, but it's not really complete.  I 
did add a change to the page I used on how to install Debian Etch.  I 
included that you've also got to specify to the Linux kernel to use the 
serial port and to set the baud rate.  If I had known that, it would 
have saved me 3-5 hours last night.

Thanks for the help and info!

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