Hello all,

I recently purchased 2 net4801 that now run OpenBSD 4.4 Release.
I attached a USB Keyboard to the USB Port.

In my dmesg, the USB Keyboard gets attached to /dev/wskbd1

I want to automatically run a Program at boot that logs and processes Keyboard
Input. How can i get to the Keyboard Input made on a USB Keyboard that i
attached to my Soekris USB Port? Means: How can i capture whatever is entered
on the USB Keyboard, so i can use it in my program?

Here is a hypothetical Perl Program that takes Input and writes it to a file.
I am aware that noone will see the print Statements when there is no screen,
they are just for examples sake when i run this from a ssh session:


use strict;
use warnings;

open(my $fh, '>', '/var/log/reader.log') or die $!;

while ('TRUE') {
        print "Enter ID :";
        chomp(my $id = <STDIN>);
        print $fh " You entered $id\n";
        if ($id eq 'exit') {
                print "Exiting\n";

The above will not work for me, because when the Machine is running
unattended, there is noone who logged in, the Program wouldn't know where to
take the input from. I need to somehow make my Program read directly
from the Keyboard Device Entry, and take its Input from there. Can anyone
help me out, it would be great. I hope i have been concise but clear with my

Thanks and best regards,
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