
It's my birthday, so I decided to release a little rewrite of flashdist that 
I've been working on.

It addresses the two major shortcomings of flashdist (in light of the fact that 
an 8GB usb key costs $20 now)

First, it installs a _complete_ OpenBSD system, that runs in read-only (or 
read-write if you want) mode.  There's no 'distribution lists' to keep track of 
nor custom build environment.  It's a full, almost default system with default 
/etc/rc (ok, a bootstrap script does have to run before /etc/rc.)

Second, you can upgrade the system just by copying a few files to the flash 
(and keep multiple versions on the same flash.)

Check out the home page and FAQ if it sounds useful to you.


Also there are ready-made i386 and amd64 disk images to try, see


They run under qemu too.

You can even pack up an existing, running server with flashrd (just mount it to 
/mnt and run ./flashrd /mnt) and create images of that for whatever purpose.  
(I thought the idea was cool, anyways.)

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